I’m not very big on posting “new SEO” in my blog because there is rarely anything truly new that’s worth mentioning to a do it yourself-er. It’s now exception time; Google has launched a new SEO tool at web.dev. You can use to test your website and get scored on it’s performance, standards compliance, web accessibility, SEO and more. It ranks the issues it finds in order of importance, from high to low, and it provides reference links to explain what the errors mean(in most cases).
“With actionable guidance and analysis, web.dev helps developers like you learn and apply the web’s modern capabilities to your own sites and apps.”
Some of the reporting available in this tool will be familiar to anyone who used Google’s page-speed/mobile friendly tester but this version is much more user friendly and gives quick access to reference material through many “Read more” links. This tool is a Google product so ignore it and it’s recommendations at your own peril.